10 Surprising Facts About the Human Brain
The human brain is one of the most interesting, yet complex parts of the universe that exists in the human body. The brain does all the functions and operates the rest of the body, buy email list but there’s still so much we don’t know about it. We’ve all always been fascinated by the brains of some talented people who can easily figure out things and take less when learning things. We call them “naturally smart” and secretly envy them, but we also wonder how many times they do it all.
Now, let’s get to some interesting and surprising facts about the human brain, we’ve never come across a fast sneak peek.
Power Generation
Yes, you’ve heard that the right brain produces the amount of electricity that can easily light a small light bulb. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re trying to generate light from your brain. Let’s put it this way — without electricity, you wouldn’t be reading this article for two reasons. One, you need electricity to run the device and second, you need your brain to generate the electricity you need.
In physics, we are taught that the human body is a collection of vast masses of atoms that generate electricity, which allows our bodies to function. Now, when we talk about our brains sending signals from — or receiving signals from — the brain in the case of closing a door or opening a book, it’s just that our brains carry information from one point to another generates electricity. The difference here is that we don’t have cables and wires, but nerves and neurons to do the job.
The Brain is Fat
Did you know that our brains are more than half the weight of our skin? Next time someone calls you chubby, take it as a compliment because it means you have a bigger brain. The human brain is considered the fattest organ in the human body. A normal human brain is only 3 pounds, 60% of which is just fat.
Another interesting fact about our brain is that it takes one-fifth of the calories per minute even though we are resting. If our diet is too restrictive and we eat too much pointlessly, we may force our brain to eat itself due to hunger. This will come to the foodie, who gets a license to eat a free ATLEAST free eating is better than starving your brain to make it eat itself, for the good news?

So Forget
Yes, it’s good for your brain to forget things, because when you forget something, it means your brain is phone number list deleting some unnecessary information. This is a good thing for your nervous system because it helps keep it plastic. The next time you forget something, remember it’s not your fault for your brain who thought of this unnecessary information.
It takes 6 minutes for the human brain to respond to alcohol, so when a person is under the influence of alcohol and experiences a “blackout”, it is not because if the person remembers something, but his brain temporarily loses the ability to capture the memory.
The Brain Does Not Feel Pain
The brain does not feel pain. This is because the sensory nerve fibers that make us feel the pain of so-called “pain receptors” — found in all parts of the human body that are not present in the brain, make it immune to any pain. Now, this illustrates how easily neurosurgeons are awake when working on a patient’s brain.
Now the question is, if the brain doesn’t feel pain, then why do we have headaches. Actually, it’s a completely different story — there’s a layer of tissue between the brain and skull called the “dura” and the “soft” that acts as a protective coating to the brain. These layers of tissue have nociceptors on them, so when we stress too much, or when there is too much pressure in our brain, our blood vessels release in turn, activating the nociceptors, causing headaches, some chemicals near these tissue layers substance.
Prediction Machine
Sometimes we have a strong “gut feeling” about whether our actions/people are right or something is going to happen, even without any facts or proof to justify our feelings. In fact, these sensations, also known as “gut feelings”, are triggered by electrical simulations that cause specific parts of our brains linked to analyzing risk.
Let our thinking brain act as a prediction machine. The brain’s memory stores receive from the outside world and combine them with past experiences to summarize possible outcomes in certain situations. Our brains are designed not only to see and hear but also to predict when we should hear or see in the next moment. This is the basis of the concept of “sixth sense”.