How to Post Good Content Consistently
Capture the attention of your interlocutor. Very difficult. Thousands of messages every minute. How to get it.
Usual scenario:
- I copy the format and style of a company or person that I like
- I do it the way it has been done all my life in phone number list my company without knowing if it works or not
- I do nothing because it is very complicated and there is not much return
- I only do it when the stars of creativity and free time come together
- I copy the content of other articles as if I were a 1st ESO student copying the wording from Wikipedia
The scenario that I like the most:
6. I develop my own style that conveys authenticity
It’s not easy at all and sometimes it’s quite dizzying. What will those who read it think? And my boss? Will my clients take it badly? Will my co-workers say what’s wrong with me?
But for me, there are 2 clear reasons why you should bet on this
1. The impatient spectator
Today, with the competition for your attention, I think there is no other alternative. The spectator has penetrated you in the first 3 seconds. He does not want sugar or marketing formulas.
You have some time to look at mail, Twitter, LinkedIn or whatever you look at. And it will make a selection of the best content and the least interesting will throw it away.

2. You as a content creator
One of the keys to being able to generate regular content is that you have fun doing it.
I don’t know about you, but creating content with a predetermined structure, with a format that I have been told works, with content that is supposed to be what my clients are looking for, and putting links that in theory improve SEO, bores me.
Unless you’re half a robot, that’s going to burn you out and you’re going to do it reluctantly if they force you or you’re going to stop doing it directly because you’ll have other invented priorities.
A key aspect is to find the type of buy email list of formats with which you feel comfortable and with which you are able to be recurrent.
There are many:
- Write a post on LinkedIn every day with an anecdote that has happened to you
- Write an article every month explaining a success story
- Record a video with your mobile once a week talking about a specific topic while you are in the car
- Tweet the first thing that comes to your mind every day
- Write a book every two years on an in-depth topic that you master
- Record a chat with a client in an informal way explaining how you collaborate together
- Have a weekly podcast with interviews with people from a specific sector
- Etc.
Different formats for different authors. What’s yours?