How are we going to find new products to expand our catalog on Amazon

2021 has been a good year for Beguerrilla. Turnover has reached a magic figure. When things go well your Phone Number runs the risk of losing hunger. It is what has happened to us. We have become comfortable. We have lost traction. Right now the business is at a low point also due to the phase of the year in which we find ourselves.
New market trends
When events happen that could have an impact on your market you have to move fast. In our case, it is a new PSA service that will arrive in October. Apart from Pokémon or soccer cards, they are going to expand the type of product that they are going to graduate. This may increase the demand for Funkos in general but also related accessories. In general, we are not moved by trends but in this case, there are synergies with brands and products so it makes sense for us to take this step.
Bestsellers of competitors
Having a super seller is luck, having many small products that are sold is simply work. One thing you can influence, the other not. That is why we follow a catalog strategy where the sum of many small things makes something big. We are going to look Phone Number List of competitors and their top sellers to find out which are the best products that we should add to our list of products now. It is the easiest way to set priorities.
Existing Product Variations
Another way to easily expand a catalog is to take an existing product and launch a variation of it. It can be a different color, a different size, a different material, etc. There are plenty of possibilities here as long as they make sense for your brand and you can expect minimal demand from your customers.
We are going to take until we have a critical mass of our own products that contribute a significant amount to profits. The first step is taken now is a matter of not stopping.