Economic Incentives for My Team
My problem has been that of too selfish a perspective
The problem is related to an issue that has to do with a very selfish perspective:
- I have never withdrawn money from the company but have always invested and more in recent years.
- The company is generating profits phone number list but not in an exaggerated way that could allow me to make a huge salary increase.
- The future of the company strongly depends on the evolution of its own products this year. At the moment we are very far from billing 1 million euros in 2022.
Against these arguments, there is one that surpasses the previous three. If I am willing to put money and invest in products, I have to do it even more in my own team. This has escaped me and it was a mistake. Luckily I have people in Beguerrilla who are not afraid to bring up these complicated issues to make me see my mistakes.
The solution: share the profits with the most loyal team
Now that the team has grown this year by two people, we have to differentiate between the part that has been with me for years and the one that has just started. What cannot be is that Mobile Phone Number a person who has just entered has a greater benefit than the one who already has a much longer journey.
What I am going to do is the following: I will mark the line of two years of membership. After this time one is entitled to the following incentives.
I’m going to split the profits from the agency business. 15% of billing will be shared between two people on the team through a monthly payment on invoices already collected. One person will charge more than the other. This has to do with the responsibility that a person assumes and also the history that one case is much longer than the other.
Then there’s the Amazon part. Here the incentive will be related to the global profit but also to the number of new products that we are going to launch. This would be my plan:

- €50–75 for each new Pokémon listing that is sold at least 10 times a month.
- €125 for each new listing that is not Pokémon under our own Beguerrilla brand that generates 5 sales per month.
- €200 for each new listing of the Phone Numbers Tesla accessories brand. We have this pending launch.
- €150 for each third-party brand reselling listing that generates 10 sales per month.
- 1% on the profit of Amazon accounts.
- 3% on the profit of all other sales in other marketplaces.
- 10% on the profit of all sales in the store itself.
Another condition would be that the listings above do not lose money or that they lose less than 5%. This year I don’t want to make money with the new products but to have a powerful base for 2023. The payment would not be recurring.